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Greenpeace campaign



Greenpeace is a non-profit organization that campaigns for the protection of the earth and all of her inhabitants. It has is a big voice in the ongoing battle against climate change. 


For this task, I created a campaign slogan and call to action that was paired with a series of advertisements as well as a social media campaign in order to allow their message to reach a further audience. The campaign is intended to drive the viewer to action by visibly supporting the fight through social media presence and through supporting gear that would allow the message to reach a further audience.

The tagline for this campaign was selected to instill a drive in the viewer. It needs a powerful call to action.  Through powerful verbage and imagery the viewer is lead through a journey in which the world itself is actually calling out for help in tangible ways. That paired with a simple tagline lets the image do the talking.

Greenpeace_Save the Elephants Ad.jpg
Greenpeace Print ad.jpg
Greenpeace Magazine Ad
Greenpeace Campaign_Logo-01.jpg
Greenpeace ipad.jpg
Green FIngers copy.png

The campaign slogan "Join the Green Revolution" uses a simple modern aesthetic once again to allow the words to speak for themselves. It is a call to join the revolution, be a part of the fight. This slogan paired with a social media campaign launch to join the revolution and show your support through "green fingers" a symbol of solidarity that supporters themselves would carry out, getting the message much further.

Greenpeace tshirt copy.png
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